DC issues advisory on organizing New Year programs

Raghav Sharma, Deputy Commissioner issues advisory


DC issues advisory on organizing New Year programs

Una: Dr. K. L. Bains, Bureau Chief

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Advisory has been issued by the district administration on the occasion of New Year celebrations in the awake of Corona epidemic. Giving this information, Deputy Commissioner Una, Raghav Sharma said that only green firecrackers will be allowed to be sold on the occasion of New Year and also the time to run the firecrackers has been fixed from 11: 55 to 00: 30 pm.

DC said that it would be mandatory to take permission from the concerned SDM for the New Year celebrations and only more than 50 people would not be able to gather. For permission, online portal will have to be registered at its marking point. He told that there will be a ban on loud speakers and other sound broadcasting devices at night, while sound instruments can be installed in indoor programs such as auditoriums, conference rooms and community buildings only with the permission of the concerned sub-divisional authorities.

The Deputy Commissioner said that it would be mandatory to get permission from SDM for selling firecrackers. He told that fireworks would be banned in the market, government offices and heritage buildings. He has appealed that all municipal corporations, nagar panchayats should ensure safe disposal of garbage generated.

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