“General” Rank Officers and equivalent of Navy and Air Force not granted Military Service Pay (MSP)- Are they civilians? :Major Onkar Singh Guleria


From Pracharak to Prime Minister to Dictator. Where is Rule of Law? Can we incorporate the points given below for upliftment and betterment of our Nation and its 135 Crores Deshwasi.

Hon’ble Rashtarpati,
1.  OROP definition illegally changed by Secretary Defence/ Secretary DESW from one passed by Parliament due to arm twisting done by PM/FM(Late Jaitley also was RM), RM (Late Parikar) and PMO. Now for past five years Report of Justice Reddy (OJMC) on OROP kept hidden alongwith other skeltons in Cup Boards of Secretary DESW.

2. LATHI WIELDING Raj Nath made Defence Minister who did not revise Military Pension which was due on 01.07.2019, but using bjp tactics set up a farce Committee which will not produce results.

3. There are 46 Anomalies in Pay and Allowances which are well known to RM and Secretary Defence.

4. Commissioned Officers are not granted NFFU but there juniors civil serving Officers under them are paid NFFU making their Salaries much more than their Military bosses.

5. That “Maj.Gen.,and Lt.Gen., and General” Rank Officers and Equivalent of Navy and Air Force are paid less Salary than Lt.Col./Col and Brig because of non grant of MSP. Why have “General” Rank Officers and equivalent of Navy and Air Force not granted Military Service Pay (MSP)- Are they civilians?

6. That “Major” Rank Officers are discriminated as for Salary and Pension as only 21 years of Service is calculated, whereas, Service of 33 years is taken as base for calculation of service for all Commissioned Officers. Why this disparity?

7. Allowances of Armed Forces versus Civilians:-
-A Officer of civil posted in city of Guhwati gets much more Allowances than Officers posted in high altitudes like Saichen Glacier which was visited by Chief Pracharak of bjp as Prime Minister.

8. If we had raised two Strike Corps as planned prior to Pracharak’s rule and purchased 126 Raffales then China would not have dared to build up in Ladhak Region where more money is spent than these two aspects of raising of two Strike Corps and buying 126 Raffales. Now also present Air Chief wants another 114 fighter jets on war footing. Soon India will be down to less than 30 fighter Squadrons which means that Indian Air Force strength calculated in 1990ees will be short of about 300 fighter jets and we may have to use Air Force Planes of Rashtarpati and Prime Minister for Military duties in lieu of fighter jets. These are only two examples of ANTI INDIA ACTs of Ruling elite.

9. That if  businessmen produce even two rupees item then MSP is printed officially but it is KISSAN who will not get MSP passed Officially by Government. It is left to whims and fancies of Ruling Government.

10. The marginal KISSAN soon will be out of extinction as age old defeated Cooperative Farming is being introduced by Pracharak cum PM where BJP workers will control the show.

11. Variuos PSUs are being sold. The posts in Government are being out sourced to Contractors (bjp pracharaks) who pocket 33% of Salary of Employee who is always ON CONTRACT ( BANDHUA MAZDOOR of MODI and bjp Pracharaks). End of Middle class and East India Company is back with heads as KALE ANGREJ.

12. Petrol and Diesel is sold at Rs.100+ per liter where Centre Govt in 2013-14, had Rs9.32p as Exicise Duty but Modi charges Rs.32.98p as Exice Duty. The reduction in Exise Duty and VAT is a eyewash as still the taxes on POL is 56% and there is tripple taxation on all goods by Modi Govt- perhaps he is making up for his lost childhood where he had to be a common middle class child and now he is a MULTI BILLIONAIR plus also his few businessmen.

13. PRYINKA VADRA was detained without FIR in a dirty room which she was compelled to clean herself. This is true image of MEGA SWATCH BHARAT and speaks volumes on much touted Yogi- Modi jori to treat women as they themselves do not have women in their life so how would they know the dignity of a women.

14. Corruption has seeped in and Modi ji never visit rural India where there are hardly any Medical facilities and Medical equipment and infrastructure and no Medical Specialists in rural India. His propaganda of inaugurating O2 Plants in cities of Uttar Pradesh before coming elections show that where Medical funds are misutilesd and till date we do not have O2 Plants the basic need for all patients.

15. We do not need insurance schemes like AYUSHMAN BHARAT but post Doctors and Nurses and Para Medical staff and Medical Specialists in all rural hospitals of India.

NAVRATTAN Sings PRAISES of his MASTER on PMs 20th year of abovesaid Governance.
16.  Unfortunately no journalist of Times of India came forward but we found a BALLAD- Song of praise by one of Navratna of Modi ji in today’s Times of India where his Union Minister Piyush Goel had to do the chorus when journalists did not come forward. This speaks of ratings which in world’s eye may be top ranking but different on ground.


17. That civil police has been taken over by bjp and all Central Civil Police including Para Military Forces should be sent home and let bjp workers take on the mental of Rule of Law. This will save trillions of rupees spent of these Forces and civil police including NCB. Also there will be no need of elections as ONE MAN RULE WILL APPLY.


18. There is no ill will against anybody but I a Soldier (No Political affiliation) has done plain speaking in favour of Nation and its 135 Crore Deshwasi so that they are uplifted. As such I stand victimised by TOP BRASS of Indian Army which to hush up Pakistan sponsored espoinage and embezzlement of salary of troops by a Commissioned Officer has victimised me for last 38 years for my honest and plian speaking for Nation. That due to atrocities of Indian Army, today, I am patient of CANCER. I have nothing more to loose than my 38 years of PRIME GOLDEN PERIOD which Indian Army stole with concoted documents and used civilians of State of Himachal Pradesh to continue victimising me. When Rule of Law does not exists in Indian Army then what one can expect from PRACHARAK TO PRIME MINSTER to follow Rule of Law. Perhaps in remaing three years of NDA Governments rule, the Pracharaks will mend ways in favour of India and its 135 Crores Deshwasi.
Jai Hind!

(Major Onkar Singh Guleria)
(IC-33468N, 5 SIKH LI)
Village Jachh PO Jassur Tehsil Nurpur District Kangra Himachal Pradesh 176201.
MOB:7018748978, 9418009991.
Email: maj.onkarsinghguleria@

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