Senior Journalist Naveen Pathania bereaved


Senior Journalist Naveen Pathania’s mother Smt.Ratni Devi passed away yesterday in Chandigarh. She was just 67.

It is sad to inform that Smt. Ratni Devi revered mother of Mr. Naveen Pathania died in Chandigarh late on Thursday evening. Smt. Ratni Devi, originally a resident of village Andreta in tehsil Palampur of district Kangra, had been undergoing treatment for several days in Chandigarh as she had been suffering from dreaded disease cancer. During treatment, her health had improved a lot, but two days ago she was brought to Chandigarh in a critical condition where she breathed her last on Thursday. 

Her last rites will be performed in Andreta on Friday.

May the departed soul rest in peace!

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