A Vibrant event at viveka foundations Giving Wings to Imagination – ‘ABHIVYAKTI 2023’


A Vibrant event at viveka foundations
Giving Wings to Imagination – ‘ABHIVYAKTI 2023’
The world of reality has its limits;
the world of imagination is boundless.”
Viveka Foundations Sen. Sec. School has provided a boundless world of imagination to young artists, who were keen to showcase their creativity through “ABHIVYAKTI”, an Open Art Competition for Classes I-XII on 11th February 2023. In which more than 250 children from Palampur and around gathered in the campus of Viveka Foundations.

The competition was open to all creative art lovers with prescribed criteria.

. The competition was in 5 different categories – Group A (Classes I, II, III); Group B (Classes IV, V, VI); Group C (Classes VII, VIII, IX); Group D (Classes X, XI, XII) and Group E (Creative Open Entry – Best out of Waste.

A caption contest was organised for the parents as well.In recognition of the hard work put in by the students, participation certificates were given to each participant and souvenirs were given to the parents of participants.

The results will be published in the newspaper shortly.
Such platforms inspire children to think and work creatively. The artistic endeavours of the students were highly appreciated by the teachers and judges.

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