Governor’s Alleged Violation of Election Commission Norms and Model Code of Conduct Leads to Accusations of Defamation Against BJP Nationwide

Sukhu Govt must take serious note of this alleged violation

Dr. Swati Katoch Sood, & Dr. Anubhav Sood, Gems of Dental Radiance
Rotary Eye Hospital Maranda Palampur

Palamapur University VC Selection Committee Formed; Governor’s Action Allegedly Violates Election Commission Norms

 A news item appeared in a section of press says…..
Governor Shiv Pratap Shukla has approved the formation of a selection committee to appoint the Vice-Chancellor of Chaudhary Sarvan Kumar Himachal Pradesh Agricultural University in Palamapur. Professor Kailash Chandra Sharma, former Vice-Chancellor of Kurukshetra University, Haryana, will chair the selection committee. In addition, Dr. R.C. Agrawal, Director General of the Indian Council of Agricultural Research, has been appointed as a member. Also, Rajesh Sharma, Secretary to the Governor (Nominee), will be a member of the committee.
However, this action of the governor has allegedly violated the Election Commission norms and the model code of conduct.
Editor-in-Chief, HR MEDIA GROUP, 9418130904, 8988539600

About a year ago, the Himachal Pradesh Sukhu government passed the University Amendment Bill in the legislative assembly for the appointment of a regular vice chancellor at its own.

Later, It was unanimously sent to the governor for his accent, but the governor kept the bill pending for personal reasons for a year. Now, while the election process is underway nationwide and the code of conduct is in effect, the governor has suddenly formed a selection committee for the selection and appointment of a regular vice-chancellor and called for a meeting.

A year ago, Chief Minister Thakur Sukhvinder Singh Sukhu passed the University Amendment Bill in the legislative assembly with full majority to ensure timely appointment of the chancellor and smooth functioning of universities.

The saying “charity begins at home” seems apt here as the governor’s actions prioritize personal interests over the welfare of students and staff.

The bill was sent for the governor’s approval through democratic means, and a request was made in the public interest to quickly appoint the chancellor so that neither the staff nor the students face any difficulties.

However, despite all efforts of the government, the governor deliberately delayed the amendment bill to safeguard his chancellor’s seat. Unfortunately, in doing so, he forgot about the interests of students and employees.

It is surprising and distressing that a democratically elected government, challenging the old British system after 45 years, finally passed a significant bill regarding university amendments. Yet, the governor, for private reasons, kept it pending for a year, obstructing the appointment of the vice chancellor by the chief minister.

Now, amid elections nationwide and the full enforcement of the code of conduct, appointing a chancellor is unconstitutional and illegal. It hints at a deeper conspiracy behind these appointments coming to light soon after the enforcement of the code of conduct.

This conspiracy further solidifies the fact that when a democratically elected government makes decisions in the public interest, they are hindered by the governor for personal reasons.

In such a situation, how can the governor form a selection committee? This raises serious questions about the functioning of democracy.

It is being overlooked how decisions made by a democratically elected government are being undermined, posing a severe threat to democracy. One wonders if someone’s desire is being fulfilled by keeping a position vacant for a year.

Subsequently, a chain of events unfolds during the code of conduct period, revealing political and legal interventions by the government.

Such interventions are imperative to prevent erosion of trust in democracy, which has been witnessed recently with six betrayers infiltrating the Congress party.

This deceitful plot tarnishes India’s democratic fabric, as political ambitions supersede ethical and legal obligations. The betrayal has tarnished the BJP’s reputation across the nation, as the truth unveiled was horrifying. In Himachal Pradesh, the BJP suffered unprecedented losses, indicating a loss of public trust, which might reflect in future elections. The people of Himachal Pradesh are vigilant, having learned from past experiences.

The governor’s self-serving actions have not only caused humiliation to students and staff but have also resulted in the absence of a regular vice chancellor, leaving institutions like the Agriculture University Palampur in a state of disarray. Since August 21, following the retirement of VC Dr. HK Chaudhary, an acting vice chancellor has been ruling, despite ongoing vigilance inquiries against him.

This situation underscores the governor’s blatant disregard for the welfare of educational institutions and the individuals associated with them.

By delaying the appointment of a regular vice chancellor, the governor is directly impeding the proper functioning of the university and jeopardizing the quality of education and research.

The prolonged absence of a permanent vice chancellor not only creates uncertainty but also hampers the progress and development of the university.

It is evident that the governor’s actions prioritize personal interests over the stability and growth of educational institutions, further exacerbating the plight of students, faculty, and staff members.

Moreover, the fact that an acting vice chancellor, potentially under scrutiny, continues to lead the university raises serious questions about the integrity and transparency of the institution’s leadership. It reflects poorly on the governor’s judgment and raises concerns about the credibility of the selection process for key administrative positions within the university.

Overall, the governor’s negligence and self-interest have resulted in a situation where the educational aspirations of students are compromised, and the reputation of the institution is tarnished.

It is imperative for the governor to prioritize the interests of the academic community over personal agendas and expedite the appointment of a qualified and permanent vice chancellor to ensure the smooth functioning of the university.

People have urged Sukhu Govt. to take serious notice of this violation.

Dr. Prem Raj Bhardwaj
Dheeraj Sood, Correspondent
Dheeraj Sood Advt

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