Neither temporary shops will be installed nor goods will be sold outside shops : JASWAL

Neither temporary shops will be installed nor goods will be sold outside shops

Neither temporary shops will be installed nor goods will be sold outside shops

– DR. Suresh Kumar Jaswal

Una: Dr. K. L. Bains
Bureau Chief
A meeting was held today at SDM office Una, which was chaired by SDM Una, Dr. Suresh Jaswal. Representatives
of the Board of Trade, City Council Una, Health Department and National Highways Department participated in the
meeting. In the meeting, Dr. Jaswal said that it is often seen that around the New Year, some shopkeepers place
goods for sale in front of their shops and traders coming from other areas can also set up their temporary shops
along the National Highway. Due to which the common people have difficulty in movement and there is a
possibility of any untoward incident.
The SDM called on all the shopkeepers not to sell by putting goods outside their shops and along the National
Highway. He ordered the city council to inspect the markets regularly and take action against those who violate the
rules as per rules. Along with this, he also ordered the officials of National Highways to take strict action against
those who parked vehicles inside the Yellow Line on NH. He called upon the people to park at the parking lot
instead of parking the vehicles on the road.
He praised the Board of Trade and said that with the cooperation of the Board of Trade, there has been
considerable compliance of Covid rules in shops and markets. But negligence has also been reported at some
places. He asked all the shopkeepers and owners to ensure that masks, sanitizers and social distance should be
maintained from the buyers who come to them. In the event of non-compliance of rules, shopkeepers, dhabas and
hawkers will be challaned. He also instructed the city council to take strict action against those who installed the
goods outside the shops. He directed the National Highways and Health Department to coordinate amongst
themselves and promote through voice broadcasting service to prevent encroachment in roads and markets.
Principal Prince Rajput, General Secretary Narinder Pal, Deputy Principal Raghu Puri, Chief Adviser Ganesh
Sambhar, SDO NH Rajesh Kumar, JE MC Una Rajendra Saini, Medical Officer CHC Basdehra Dr. Jitendra Pal Singh,
Sub Inspector among others present on the occasion.

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