Viveka Foundations : A new chapter in the History of Viveka Foundations School, A Premiere Educational Institution


Inauguration of Amphitheatre In Viveka Foundations

“Movies will make you famous; Television will make you rich; But theatre will make you good.” – Terrence Mann


A new chapter in the History of Viveka Foundations and addition in infrastructure has been added with the inauguration of amphitheatre for theatrical and cultural programmes at its campus on 4 September 2022 with devout ‘Havan’ ceremony. It has been a trailblazing undertaking from the School Founder & Director Mrs. Kusum Rana to enhance and develop empathy for the experiences of others and explore diverse perspectives along with focus of mind, body and voice of students. On this occasion, the environment was suffused by the ‘Havan Mantras’, group songs & chants by students. School Principal, Dr. Mousami Thapa highly motivated the students and explained that it will allow them to explore challenging social scenarios and vulnerable emotions in safe and supportive environment.

The amphitheatre is one of its kind and will provide great opportunities to students to explore a new world.

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