An Honorable Farewell! HASI Rakesh Kumar Bids Adieu to the Police Department After 37 Years of Dedicated Service
An Honorable Farewell! HASI Rakesh Kumar Bids Adieu to the Police Department After 37 Years of Dedicated Service

Editor-in-Chief, HR MEDIA GROUP, 9418130904, 8988539600
Una, Himachal Pradesh – In a touching and heartfelt ceremony, the Una Police Department bid farewell to one of its most dedicated officers, HASI Rakesh Kumar, who has faithfully served the force for an impressive 37 years. The event, which took place at the Una Police Lines, was attended by family, friends, and fellow police personnel who came together to celebrate this momentous occasion.
Shri Sanjeev Kumar, HPS, Additional Superintendent of Police in Una, presided over the farewell ceremony, expressing his gratitude and admiration for Officer Rakesh Kumar’s long and dedicated service. He presented tokens of appreciation and conveyed best wishes for a bright and prosperous future as Rakesh Kumar embarks on a new journey beyond the police force.
The atmosphere was filled with emotion and pride as colleagues and loved ones lauded Officer Rakesh Kumar for his unwavering commitment to maintaining law and order in the region. His contributions and sacrifices over nearly four decades have left an indelible mark on the Una Police Department.
The farewell ceremony was a poignant reminder of the camaraderie and bonds forged within the police force, as officers from different ranks came together to bid a heartfelt goodbye to a colleague who had become a symbol of dedication and integrity.
As HASI Rakesh Kumar steps into retirement, his legacy will continue to inspire the next generation of police officers. The people of Himachal Pradesh join in congratulating him on his remarkable service and wish him a well-deserved and fulfilling retirement.
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