Outreach camp at Indora to strengthen TB case Finding
Shakti Foundation empowers frontline workers in Indora, Kangra
Outreach camp at Indora to strengthen TB case Finding
Shakti Foundation empowers frontline workers in Indora, Kangra

ASHAs (Accredited Social Health Activists) are the foundation of the rural healthcare system. This also means that they are the first person that a Covid patient interacts with and the one who provides a link to the public health system. The more enabled ASHAs are to play their role, the faster will be HP’s victory against the COVID-19 pandemic. At the same time, the reduced immunity of the post covid patients makes them more susceptible to other contagious diseases like Tuberculosis (TB).
To empower and equip ASHA workers for this fight, Shakti Foundation India, a Delhi-based NGO, is working closely with the district administration and health officials. They have designed an ASHA Shakti Kit which is a handbag that contains items for the safety of ASHA workers – a heavy duty apron, a face shield, 50 triple layered surgical masks, sanitizer and sufficient hand gloves. In order that ASHA worker can help determine which home based patients need referral or hospital support, they are also given one oximeters, one thermometer and cloth masks for affected families.
Shakti Foundation, along with the health department of Indora, today distributed 116 ASHA Shakti Kits through the Block Medical Officer Indora, Dr Vijay Kalia,, through the representative of Shakti Foundation, Mr Rajeev Ahal, and District TB Program Officer Kangra, Dr R.K. Sood.
Dr Vijay Kalia, Block Medical Officer, Indora started the program with a welcome address dedicated to the ASHA workers and all the dignitaries present at the event. He commended them on their unique work and contribution and thanked Shakti Foundation India for providing this support.
Mr Rajeev Ahal, explained the efforts of Shakti Foundation and conducted an interactive session with ASHA workers. He demonstrated the use of items in the Asha Shakti Kit.
Dr R.K. Sood, District TB Program Officer, called upon the ASHA workers to improve case finding and send samples of presumptive TB cases for testing.
In view of decline in Presumptive TB examination, and TB Notification in Indora block, a special Camp was held on 19th July at Indora along with mobile CBNAAT van, by DTO Kangra along with team.
128 presumptive TB samples submitted by ASHA workers at the special Camp at Indora.
He also appreciated the efforts of the Shakti Foundation and its partners in providing relief for the district.
Shakti Foundation has been involved in social services in various fields for more than a decade. The foundation has been making efforts for years in the areas of rehabilitation of children with special needs, remedial education, nutrition, sports education, disaster relief and alternative livelihood development. Shakti Foundation has provided over 65,000 rehabilitation therapy sessions, remedial education to over 550 children, developed skill in 150 women for alternative livelihoods and sensitized over 745 families.
Though no one can prepare for a natural calamity, yet, Shakti Foundation makes tremendous efforts to provide relief to the areas affected by natural calamities across India. During the initial phases of the first lockdown, Shakti Foundation was able to provide food rations to over 500 families living in Ghazipur Dairy Farm. Along with the Ghazipur Dairy Farm, the foundation also helped provide ration facilities to over 300 families in the Bengali settlement of Vasant Kunj.
Subsequently, Shakti Foundation was also involved in relief efforts in West Bengal by distributing dry ration and essential supplies to over 240 families affected by the cyclone in Super Cyclonic Storm Amphan.
Presently in Kangra, Shakti Foundation has so far distributed 29 Oxygen Concentrators, 320 Oximeters, 275 Digital Thermometers and 447 ASHA Shakti Kits in different blocks of the district and its support has been extended through the district.
As the COVID-19 pandemic engulfed the state of Himachal Pradesh in May 2021, Delhi-based Shakti Foundation has stepped up its support efforts in Kangra, the most populous district, and also the district most affected by the second wave of the Covid-19 pandemic.