Selfless services given by Shakti Foundation During covid pandemic

During covid period they helped the needy and helpless people extremely well


Bksood chief editor

Chief editor

Selfless ervices given by Shakti Foundation

“Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world: indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has.” Margaret Mead

We didn’t have any notions of changing the world when we first set out in the end of April 2021 to raise funds for 20 Oxygen Concentrators for oxygen deprived Delhi NCR. A short message to a group of close friends and family elicited an overwhelming response.

In the ten weeks that we ran this campaign, we raised Rs. 1.34 cr, deployed more than 300 cylinders, 400 concentrators and 1400 Asha kits along with oximeters, thermometers, masks and gloves. More than the money raised, it was the number of lives we managed to touch, and hopefully, save.

None of this could have happened without your help, and we are eternally grateful to all our donors-who donated in cash, kind, and in spirit, and our partners and team, who went way beyond the call of duty to ensure that the equipment reached the needy.

We would like to convey our gratitude to Ms. Reva Nayyar, Essel Social Welfare Foundation, whose guidance has been invaluable, beyond her generous contribution. We are grateful to Mr. Vijay Mahajan, CEO Rajiv Gandhi Foundation, who has been a guiding light for us, even while recovering from Covid. We thank Ms. Tahira Kashyap Khurrana, author, film-maker, and a member of our Advisory Committee for her generosity and support.

We are especially thankful to Swasth Foundation and Give India Foundation who reposed their faith in us in deploying OCs and cylinders, and Asha kits.

Please do watch this short video on the whole campaign, and share with friends if possible.
We are now moving into the next phase of activities- preparedness for the imminent third wave, monitoring of the equipment provided during the second wave, post covid response in education, livelihoods and health

During covid period Mr Rajeev Ahl played a vital role here in Palampur to provide help to the needy people , gave oximeters concentrators oxygen cylinders gloves, masks, sanitizers through various organisations and coordinated with state administration to help the needy and Corona affected people.

राजेश सूर्यवंशी एडिटर इन चीफ

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