Prof H.K. Chaudhary, Vice-Chancellor met the University students from Afghanistan


Bksood Chief Editor

Bksood chief editor

Prof H.K. Chaudhary, Vice-Chancellor met the University students from Afghanistan at International Studnets’ Hostel today. The Vice-Chancellor interacted with them and enquired about the welfare of their families in Afghanistan. He asked them to be calm and feel secure in the University. He said that, already, steps have been taken to make them feel at home and safe on the campus. He assured them all help if they come across any problem. All issues will be resolved on priority. The students, who felt concerned about their families back home, thanked the Vice-Chancellor for his gesture despite his extremely busy schedule due to the upcoming convocation. Dr.V.K.Gupta, SWO was also present on the occasion

राजेश सूर्यवंशी एडिटर इन चीफ

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