Breaking News: Director Agriculture Urged to Address Retaining Wall Issue in Village Ghamrota, H.P.


Breaking News: Urgent Plea to Honourable Director of Agriculture to Address Retaining Wall Issue in Village Gham Rota, H.P.




In a critical development, the local community of ward number 5, village Ghamrota, Gram Panchayat Ballah, Himachal Pradesh, is facing imminent danger due to heavy rains and the absence of a vital retaining wall. The matter has been brought to the attention of Dr. Rajesh Kaushik ji, Honourable Director of Agriculture, Govt. Of H.P., in a heartfelt request letter submitted by Mr. Rajesh Suryavanshi, National Chairman of the Society for Human Welfare and Mission Against Corruption (SHMACS), H.P. on the written request of local people concerned. It is learned that job work has been sanctioned but funds are not being allocated, so far.

The devastating impact of recent heavy downpours has resulted in severe damage to the indoor small road and lands in the area, posing a grave threat to the lives and properties of the residents. The absence of a sturdy retaining wall has further exacerbated the situation, leaving the local community in dire circumstances.

To address this urgent concern, Mr. Rajesh Suryavanshi has appealed to Dr. Rajesh Kaushik ji to urgently allocate funds amounting to Rs. 3.85 lacs for the construction of a retaining wall. This financial assistance would play a crucial role in protecting the lives and assets of the affected residents and mitigating the risk of further damages.

The Chairman of SHMACS emphasized the non-political nature of the request, underscoring the paramount importance of prioritizing the welfare and safety of the citizens. Inviting Dr. Rajesh Kaushik ji to personally visit the site, Mr. Suryavanshi aims to showcase the gravity of the situation and the urgent need for immediate action.

The entire community is eagerly awaiting the response of Dr. Rajesh Kaushik ji, hoping that he will take prompt action to safeguard their lives and properties. Residents are deeply appreciative of the attention the matter has received and are looking forward to the support and assistance from the concerned authorities.

The situation in the village of Ghamrota is a poignant reminder of the urgent need for infrastructure development and disaster preparedness in vulnerable areas. The responsibility now rests with the authorities to act swiftly and decisively to avert any potential loss of life and property.

As this story unfolds, the region concerned anxiously awaits the response of Dr. Rajesh Kaushik ji to this crucial appeal, hoping that a positive outcome will emerge in the interest of the affected community in,timely, to avert the possible expected loss of land and life.

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