Immunity Modulation ‘IMMUST PRO’ Herbal Product Launched

It has a unique combination of tea, herbs and spices : Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSIR, IHBT


Immunity Modulation ‘IMMUST PRO’ Herbal Product Launched

Rajesh Suryavanshi

IMMUST PRO (Immunity Modulator) product launched by M/s Vigada Care Private Ltd.,
New Delhi on July 16, 2021. CSIR-IHBT has transferred the technology for the immunity-enhancing product to the company.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar, Director, CSIR-IHBT, launched the product in the presence of the company’s founder, Mr. Amit Mandahar and
co-founder Mr. Rohit Sharma and Ms. Deepika Chaudhary. On this occasion, Dr. K. K. Sharma (Advisor), Dr. Arun Chandan (Regional Director, Research Institute in Indian Systems of Medicine, National Medicinal Plants Board), Dr. Shashi Bhushan (Principal Scientist, CSIR-IHBT), Dr. Sukhjinder Singh (Sr. Scientist CSIR-IHBT), Dr. Kuldeep Singh (Scientist CSIR-IHBT) and persons from press & media were also present.

Dr. Sanjay Kumar delineated about the technology and informed that this formulation is based on easily available bioresources and listed by Food Safety and Standards
Authority of India (FSSAI).

It has a unique combination of tea, herbs and spices, which has been tested through preclinical trials for immunity modulation.
During the event, Mr. Amit Kumar and other team members highlighted the efforts being
put for manufacturing & marketing of the product and its’s availability to the masses.
Knowing that prevention is better than cure, there is a growing consensus on the need for immunity enhancing foods and supplements based on natural ingredients.

Presently, this formulation is manufactured in tablet format, however, it can be added to any food matrix for wider consumer acceptability in near future.

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