Facebook Infiltrated by Malicious AI Scam: Users Beware of Fake ChatGPT, Google Bard, and More


In a disturbing trend, cyber criminals have unleashed a devious plot on Facebook, exploiting popular generative AI brands like ChatGPT, Google Bard, Midjourney, and Jasper to trick unsuspecting users into downloading malware. #CyberSecurity #FakeAI

According to Check Point Research (CPR), these cunning criminals have crafted fake Facebook pages and groups, adorned with captivating content. When users interact by liking or commenting, the fraudulent posts gain visibility on their friends’ feeds, spreading the deception further. #FacebookScam

Under the guise of offering new services or exclusive content, these fake pages entice users with clickable links. However, unbeknownst to them, these links lead to malicious malware downloads, targeting their online passwords (banking, social media, gaming, etc.), crypto wallets, and any sensitive information stored in their browsers. #MalwareAlert

The crafty scammers go as far as providing tips, news, and seemingly enhanced versions of popular AI services like Google Bard and ChatGPT, luring innocent users into their treacherous trap. #FakeAI

It is crucial for Facebook users to exercise utmost caution, refrain from engaging with suspicious pages, and avoid clicking on unverified links. By staying vigilant, we can collectively thwart these cyber threats and protect our private data from falling into the wrong hands. #CyberSecurity #MalwareAlert

#CyberSecurity #FakeAI #MalwareAlert #FacebookSca

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