Great victory for Bharat! P.M. Modi’s Chanakya diplomacy

UK was defeated on the world stage


Great victory for Bharat! P.M. Modi’s Chanakya diplomacy! UK was defeated on the world stage!
One example of how PM Modi has developed friendship with many countries came out in the open with the recent election of Justice Dalveer Bhandari as the Chief Justice of the International Court of Justice. He received 183 votes (one from each country represented) out of 193 votes and thus soundly defeated UK’s Christopher Greenwood. This broke a 71-year monopoly UK had on this position.
Pakistan Military Council has sentenced Shri. Kul bhushan to death claiming false evidence of espionage and sabotage. India has protested. The trial in this case is going on in the International Court of Justice. Under such circumstances it is vitally important to have an Indian Chief Justice. It was a prestige point for Bharat.

To achieve this, PM Modi and his External Affairs Ministry have been working since last 6 months. It was a very difficult task to contact the representatives of 193 countries and convince them about India’s position! To add to the tension the opponent was a UK person-who was almost sure to win!
In 11 rounds of voting, Justice Dalveer Bhandari won 183 out of 193 votes in general assembly and all 15 out of 15 votes from the members of the UN Security Council.
Mr. Greenwood has conceded that he lost the election. Mr. Dalveer Bhandari has his new position for a tenure of 9 years. He will surely do the right things for Shri. Kul Bhushan Yadav.
Until he is safely released back to India, let us all pray for his safety and complete exoneration.
Are these 183 nations who voted for India “blind Modi Bhakts”?
PM Modi, when he has traveled abroad, did not go on a sightseeing pleasure trip!
Sanjeev Pednekar.

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