Short item rate tender on the form 6&8 are invited by the Executive Engineer, Dharampur Division, HPPWD Dharmpur on behalf of Governor of HP for the following works from the approved and eligible contractor enlisted in HPPWD.
1. Date and time of receipt of application for the tender form : 06.05.2021 upto 4.00PM
2. Date and time of issue of tender form : 07.05..2021.upto 4.00 PM
3. Date and time of receipt of tenders: 10.05.2021 upto 11.00AM
4. Date and time of opening of tenders: 10.05.2021 upto 11.30 AM
The tender form will be issued against cash payment (non refundable), the earnest money in the shape of NSC/FDR/Deposit at call of any Post Office/Bank in H.P duly pledged in the name of the Executive Engineer, Dharampur Division, HPPWD Dharampur must accompany with each tender. Conditional tender and tender received without earnest money will summarily be rejected.
S.No. Name of work Estt. Cost (in Rs.) Earnest Money (in Rs.) Time Limit
1. C/o Halyog to Pehad road KM 0/0 to 14/00 ( Sh- F/C Mtrs wide at various Rds near Jathadi) 495566/- 10000/- Two month
2. Improvement of black spot on Halyog to Pehad road KM 0/0 to 14/00 ( Sh- ROFD at various Rds near Jathadi) 497716/- 10000/- Two month
Terms and Conditions:-
1. The contractors/firms should posses the following documents at the time of application (Photocopy to be attached):-
i) Latest renewal of enlistment. (ii) PAN (Permanent Account No.), (iii) Registration under HP General Sales Tax Act, 1968 (TIN No.), (iv) Copy of EPF Number, (v) Owned/Hired documentary proof of the machinery required for the work. Vi) Cost of tender, vii) Earnest Money.
2. The Contractors/firms are required to quote their rates both in figures and words, failing which under-signed reserve the right to accept/reject any or all tenders without assigning any reasons.
3. 1% cess charges on the amount of work awarded will be recovered from the contractor and the contractor has to get registered with Labour Officer-cum-Registering Officer-cum- Cess Collector within one month from the issue of the award letter.
4. The tender will not be issued to those contractors who have already two works or more work in hand. The contractor will give affidavit that he has not two or more works in hand for execution, failing which the application shall be rejected.
5. The offer of the tender shall remain valid upto 120days after the opening.
6. The Executive Engineer reserves the right to reject/cancel any or all the tenders without assigning any reason(s).
Executive Engineer,
Dharampur Division,
Distt: Mandi (H.P)
No.PW-DPD-CB-Tender/2021-22: 333-50 Dated:- 08/04/2021
R.O. No. 0167/2021-2022/144-648