CM flags off six new advanced life support system ambulances

provided in each Government Medical College of the State


Chief Minister Jai Ram Thakur today flagged off six new advanced life support system ambulances from IGMC Shimla today named Jeevandayini


These ambulances would be provided in each Government Medical College of the State. While interacting with members of electronic media, Chief Minister said that these ambulances have been equipped with life support

Equipments such as transport cum ICU ventilator, vital sign monitor, automatic external defibrillator, suction pump, emergency resuscitation kit, head immobilizer, vacuum splint kit, mouth to mouth respirator, manual resuscitation bag, syringe infusion pump etc.

Chief Minister said that these ambulances would be stationed in each Government Medical College and would be under the overall control of Medical Superintendent of Hospital. He said that these ambulances would ensure safe transportation of critically ill patients from one institute to another.

Urban Development Minister Suresh Bhardwaj, Secretary Health Amitabh Awashi, Principal IGMC Dr. Rajneesh Pathania, Director Medical Education Dr. Ravi Sharma, Senior Medical Superintendent Dr. Janak Raj and other were present on the occasion

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