Important info about OMICRON


My friend a pulmonary specialist. He has put together the following info about Omicron. It’s good information so am sharing here:

Hi all. We are in the middle of the third COVID-19 wave (this time it’s more like a Tsunami though). Based on the many calls I have been getting over the last 2 weeks, some important points –

1) Vast majority of the covid – 19 positive cases currently are due to Omicron variant. (My estimate would be above 95 % of all cases)

2) Symptoms are – cold, scratchy throat/ throat pain, sneezing, headache / bodyache, cough, weakness and fever

Occasionally – diarrhea, nausea, loss of taste, loss of smell

Less frequent – Hypoxia ( reduced oxygen saturation), breathlessness.

3) All most people who get infected require is –
Isolation for 7 days
Symptomatic treatment ( paracetamol for fever/pain, cough suppressant for cough etc)
In most cases fever gets relieved/ reduces in 72 hours.

4) Monoclonal antibody cocktail  –
Cocktail available currently ( Casirivimab + Imdevimab) is NOT EFFECTIVE for Omicron – so please avoid it routinely.

It should only be considered if Delta variant is suspected in a patient that may be high risk ( Age > 60, significant co morbidities, non vaccinated individual)

5) Suspect Delta variant if –
– Fever continues to rise after 72 hours
– Hypoxia/ Reduced Oxygen saturation
– Breathlessness, Tachypnea (increased heart rate)
– Predominantly lower respiratory symptoms in an unvaccinated individual

6) Molnupiravir –
– Studied only in unvaccinated population
– Only 30% reduction in hospitalisation risk
– Effectiveness against Omicron unknown
– Significant side effects
– Contraindicated in pregnant females

My Opinion – Avoid. It’s not required.

7) Other drugs/ treatments not effective –

Doxycycline (Or any other antibiotic)
Convalescent Plasma
Interferon alpha 2b
Injectable Vit C

8) How to treat then?

( Important point – so have mentioned it again)
For vast majority of the people – our body’s immunity will take care of the infection.

Only ISOLATION + Symptomatic treatment is required
– Paracetamol for fever
– Steam inhalation/ decongestants/ anti allergic meds for cold/ sneezing
– Betadine/ warm saline gargles + paracetamol/ ibuprofen for Throat pain/ scratchy throat
– Rest
– Good Hydration

Keep in touch with your doctor/ physician through phone/ video call.

9) Is Chest CT required?

As a routine, No.
Only if symptoms (fever) worsen after 72 hours , Significant Breathlessness etc – your physician may ask for a CT chest

10) Ct (cycle threshold) value on RT PCR –

Please ignore Ct values for Omicron. They do not correlate well with disease severity.

11) Is Omicron like a natural vaccine?

No – it’s a highly transmissible and pathogenic virus – causing significant mortality and morbidity around the world.

You can and you should try to avoid it.

12) ‘Omicron is mostly causing Mild illness’-
This is true. But the applicable word here is ‘Milder’ as compared to previous Covid variants that were causing more lung involvement and deaths.

A lot of my patients have had high fever (upto 103 – 104), significant bodyache/ throat pain, weakness among other symptoms.

P. S. – Please mask up and avoid social visits for the next month.

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