The Annual World Music Day celebrated in Viveka Foundations


The Annual World Music Day was celebrated in Viveka Foundations on 21st June 2022


On this International Music Day VIVEKA FOUNDATIONS – A School with a Vision, launched state-of-the-art Music Studio – JHANKAAR VFS

To commemorate this occasion, MUSIC FIESTA – a grand music fest, was held. Students will learn under the able guidance and mentorship of Mrs Neera Chauhan, an accomplished classical vocalist and theatre artist and Mr. Chandan Thakur, a gifted

musician in Indian and Western Instruments. The students participated with enthusiasm and gave outstanding performances.

I extend my heartiest congratulations to the whole Vivekians team of teachers and students. Special recognition to parents who encourage their wards to explore their talents and realise their true potential.

Kudos to the mentor teachers and all student participants.

VFS is celebrating Music Week’ with the GRAND OPENING CEREMONY of the Studio JHANKAAR, culminating on Saturday with a WONDERFUL MEDLEY OF MUSICAL ACTIVITIES and AWARD CEREMONY of best student performers.

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