Naseeb Singh – CIAB National Chairman Launches “Fast Investigation News” Web Portal on His Birthday

Dr. Sushma Sood, Lead Gynaecologist
Dr. Swati Katoch Sood, & Dr. Anubhav Sood, Gems of Dental Radiance

CIAB National Chairman Launches “Fast Investigation News” Web Portal on His Birthday

Dheeraj Sood, Correspondent

Naseeb Singh, the National Chairman of the Crime Investigation & Anti-Corruption Bureau (CIAB), inaugurated the news web portal “Fast Investigation News” on his birthday today, marking a significant milestone in the bureau’s efforts against corruption and crime.

The launch event was graced by prominent figures including CIAB Vice Chairman Shilpa Rana, Rajesh Suryavanshi (Chairman of Mission Against Corruption Society), Munish Koundal (Vice Chairman), Varun Sharma (State Secretary), and Senior Journalist Manjeet Dogra. They all commended Naseeb Singh for his unwavering commitment to the anti-corruption cause.

The web portal, “Fast Investigation News,” is poised to become a vital platform for disseminating crucial information related to crime investigations and anti-corruption endeavors. With its launch, CIAB aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and public awareness in combating corruption and criminal activities.

Naseeb Singh expressed his gratitude to the entire CIAB team for their dedication and hard work in making the launch of the news portal a reality. He emphasized the importance of leveraging technology and media outreach in the fight against corruption, stating that “Fast Investigation News” will serve as a catalyst for greater citizen engagement and cooperation in tackling societal challenges.

The event concluded with renewed optimism and determination among attendees, reaffirming their collective resolve to uphold integrity and justice in society. As CIAB continues its mission to root out corruption and uphold the rule of law, “Fast Investigation News” stands as a beacon of hope and progress in the ongoing battle against malfeasance and wrongdoing.



Dheeraj Sood Advt

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