New COVID 19 prevention and management protocol in children

New COVID 19 prevention and management protocol in children


New COVID 19 prevention and management protocol in children

The Government spokesperson informed that the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India in collaboration with National Health Systems Resource Center has released new COVID 19 prevention and management protocol in Children. As per the protocol it has been mentioned that children above two years should be trained for following COVID appropriate behavior like hand wash and social distancing of at least 6 feet. He further added that children more than 5 years of age should be taught to wear a mask while going out.

The Government spokesperson further informed that the children with malnutrition, disability, immune-compressed diseases like HIV or with any underlined cardiac, liver and kidney problems are at much higher risk than a normal healthy child. The major symptoms seen in a suspected case of COVID in children are similar to symptoms in adults. These include fever or chills, cough, nasal congestion or running nose, loss of taste or smell shortness of breath or difficult breathing, diarrhea and poor appetite. Such children should be taken doctor for consultation. In case a child is found COVID positive and advised by the doctor for home isolation, the parents should monitor the following parameters of the child:

1. Counting respiratory rate 2-3 times a day

2. Looking for chest indrawing

3. Looking for bluish discoloration of skin

4. Checking body parts to ascertain if it is extremely cold

5. Checking urine output 4 th hourly

6. Checking Oxygen saturation 4 th hourly

7. Checking Body temperature 4th hourly

8. Fluid intake in 24 hours

9. Feeding intake & maintain feeding chart

10. Activity level

The Government spokesperson further advised that the parents should not panic as a COVID positive child can easily be managed at home. He also added that mothers should continue breast feeding of children under 2 years of age by following the COVID appropriate behavior protocols. The children less than five years of age should always be accompanied by mother or care taker during isolation. He further said that efforts should be made to manage COVID 19 anxity in the child. He emphasized that the child should always have a routine and parents should give enough time to their children to look for signs of anxiety, listen to their stories and encourage positive thinking.

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