Engineer Sanjeev Sharma joins as engineer in chief in HPPWD Shimla

Brings Laurel to Distt.Kangra


BK SOOD : Senior Executive Editor


Engineer Sanjeev Sharma joined as engineer- in -chief,in  HPPWD Shimla. Engineer Sharma belongs to Bhawana town ,in Tehsil Palampur ,the tea city of Himachal Pradesh.
Er Sanjeev sharma Initially served in HP Agriculture University Palampur as Assistant Engineer from April 85 to Oct 1987.
Later on from
Nov 1987 to Sep 2004,he
Worked as Structural Design Engineer and performed the job of supervision as field Engineer in execution of civil works i e Road, bridges and building works.
Er. Sanjeev Sharma remained Executive Engineer from September 2004 to April 2015 and served at different stations
Mr. Sharma promoted as Superintending Engineer &
worked as arbitrator for resolution of disputes between the contracting parties from
May 2015 – Aug 2016.
Er. Sharma worked as Suprindenting Engineer at Dharamshala as
Qualitiy Assurance of construction activities of roads, bridges & buildings , State Quality Monitor for monitoring the quality of PMGSY, Nabard ,CRF and state works.
He remained Chief Engineer from 1st oct 2019 to 3O th april 2021
Now he has been promoted as Engineer in chief & has joined at Shimla.
Er. Sanjeev sharma is a product of Bhopal University graduated as BE (Hons ) in Civil Engineering.India reporter today wish him all success.

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