Putin Affirms Ongoing Russian Military Presence in Ukraine, Rules Out Further Mobilization


President Putin emphasized that Russia would continue its military actions in Ukraine unless Kyiv engaged in negotiations that considered Moscow’s security concerns. He reiterated that the objectives of the ongoing “special military operation” would be achieved regardless. Putin, addressing inquiries during an event focused on the conflict, reaffirmed his unchanged intentions in Ukraine and highlighted Russian forces’ advancements across most of the front line.

He reiterated Russia’s fundamental aims as “de-Nazification,” “de-militarisation,” and ensuring Ukraine’s neutrality. Putin asserted that peace would only prevail upon the fulfillment of these goals. Regarding de-militarisation, he indicated that if Ukrainians were unwilling to reach an agreement, alternative measures, including military actions, would be pursued. He stressed the preference for reaching an agreement on specific terms related to the size and capabilities of Ukraine’s military but asserted that force might be necessary if diplomatic solutions were unattainable.

In his annual press conference, Putin disclosed that Russia presently deploys approximately 617,000 troops in active combat zones within Ukraine. He portrayed himself as the leader suited to guide Russia through what the West perceives as an unprovoked territorial acquisition resembling colonialism.

During the conference, Putin engaged with Russian forces near the frontline, amidst the audible backdrop of gunfire. He explicitly dismissed the prospect of another round of military mobilization, citing its current lack of necessity. Putin emphasized that the current flow of individuals prepared to defend the homeland, alongside volunteers, accounted for roughly half a million people. He concluded, stating that there was no immediate requirement for further mobilization.

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