राहुल गांधी नहीं मनाएंगे 19 जून को अपना जन्मदिवस

No birthday of Rahul Gandhi


कांग्रेस नेता Rahul Gandhi ने 19 जून को अपना जन्मदिन कोविड-19 के चलते नहीं मनाने का फैसला किया। राहुल ने कहा कि उनके जन्मदिन पर झंडे बैनर न लगाए जाएं, पोस्टर न लगाया जाए,नारेबाजी न हो और केक न काटा जाए। इसकी जगह पर कोरोना प्रभावित लोगों की मदद की जाए।


Official Letter of AICC says….


K.C. Venugopal, M.P. General Secretary


Dear Colleagues,

As you all are aware that the birthday of Shri Rahul Gandhi, former Congress President falls on 19th of June every year.

In view of second wave of COVID-19 pandemic and extraordinary difficulties faced by the people in the wake of it, Rahulji has decided not to celebrate his birthday this year also. He has requested those, who are planning to celebrate the occasion to avoid ostentatious activities like cake cutting, sloganeering and putting up banner/poster. Instead he has urged everyone to observe austerity measures and use the resources to help those in need and those whose life and livelihood got impaired in the second wave.

Therefore, on this occasion, the PCCs are requested to help and distribute medical kits, masks, sanitizers and ration kits among the people in distress. Besides, the local leaders/workers may also visit the families who lost their family member due to COVID-19 and console the bereaved families. Any other activity which helps people reduce their distress and pain may be undertaken following strict Covid-19 guidelines.

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