SDM Palampur Urges Immediate Evacuation of Dilapidated Building to Prevent Tragedy


SDM Palampur Urges Immediate Evacuation of Dilapidated Building to Prevent Tragedy

Palampur – The house owned by Sansar Chand, located near Shri Anandpur Satsang Bhawan and close to Bhiral Khad Bridge, is in a dangerously dilapidated state. The building, which houses three tenants, has a severely damaged foundation and is at high risk of collapsing into the khad (nullah) during heavy rains.

Local authorities have expressed grave concerns over the situation. The police have already issued a warning to Sansar Chand, instructing him to evacuate his tenants immediately. However, their pleas have fallen on deaf ears, with no action taken so far.

The imminent monsoon season has heightened the urgency of the situation. If the building collapses during the rains, there is a significant risk of heavy loss of life. SDM Palampur, Netra Meti IAS, has called for strict intervention to prevent a potential disaster and ensure the safety of the residents.

Immediate action is imperative to avert a tragedy and safeguard the lives of those residing in the precarious building.

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