Shanta Kumar ji, Please extend a Helping Hand to this Distressed Sood Family, A Heart-Wrenching Plea for Mercy : A Desperate Cry for Help

Dr. Swati Katoch Sood, & Dr. Anubhav Sood, Gems of Dental Radiance
A Heart-Wrenching Plea for Mercy: A Desperate Cry for Help from the Sood Family

Smt. Mamta Sood (Mob : 7018092020) wife of a bed ridden husband Devender Sood of Khoo Bazar, Paprola has urged Mr. Shanta Kumar, Honorable Chairman of Vivekanand Hospital Palampur to have mercy on her family.

Mamta, with a heavy heart, burdened by the plight of a distressed family in dire need of his compassionate intervention, revealed that  Devender Sood, a 62-year-old man, has been lying  unconscious in Vivekanand Hospital, battling for his life since that fateful day on January 26, 2023.
His devoted wife, Mamta Sood, has been tirelessly fighting alongside him, both emotionally and financially.
However, the weight of this burden has become unbearable for her, leaving her feeling utterly helpless.
Months have passed, and the Sood family’s journey has been marred by escalating medical expenses.
In a desperate bid to save her husband, Mamta has depleted their savings, relying on the generosity of friends, relatives, and well-wishers to meet the exorbitant monthly bills of Rs. 60,000-70,000.
Yet, despite her relentless efforts, the situation has taken a turn for the worse. Mamta finds herself standing at the precipice of financial ruin, with no means left to afford the costly treatment and repeated surgeries required to revive her husband.
In Vivekanand Hospital, Devender has already undergone three major surgeries on his head and one on his leg, but his condition remains stagnant. To make matters worse, he has been readmitted due to a persistent fever, further exacerbating the financial strain on Mamta. Each passing day, she is forced to bear the burden of daily expenses ranging from Rs. 20,000 to 30,000, with no one extending a helping hand or offering her mercy. The cost of medications alone has become an insurmountable challenge for her, leaving her with nothing to spare.
Editor-in-Chief, HR MEDIA GROUP, 9418130904, 8988539600
Recently, Rajesh Suryavanshi, Chairman of Mission Against Corruption Society H.P. and Editor in Chief of HR Media Network, had the opportunity to visit Mamta in her humble abode.
Overwhelmed by her tears and her pitiable condition, he shared her heart-wrenching story with us.
Rajesh has since fervently appealed to Mr. Shanta Kumar, a man renowned for your political acumen and now Chairman of Vivekanand Hospital, to extend his mercy and provide the maximum possible discount on the mounting bills.
Esteemed Shanta ji! The Sood family’s last hope rests on your shoulders, as they can no longer bear the heavy financial burden thrust upon them.
It is with great hope that Mamta reaches out to you, Mr. Shanta Kumar, believing that your extensive experience as a former Chief Minister and Union Minister of India has endowed you with a compassionate heart.
As the Chairman of Vivekanand Hospital, she fervently prays that you will take into consideration the vision behind this noble institution – to provide affordable healthcare to the poor, middle-class, and the needy. She implores you to stand by the principles set forth by Swami Vivekanand, after whom the hospital is named, and extend your helping hand to this desperate family in their darkest hour.
Devender Sood’s life hangs in the balance, and Mamta’s spirit has been broken by the overwhelming burden of medical expenses. I beseech you, Mr. Shanta Kumar, to hear this plea, to acknowledge the tears that have soaked Mamta’s cheeks and the despair that has settled in her heart. Your compassionate assistance, in the form of significant discounts on their hospital bills, could not only bring a ray of hope but also provide the Sood family with a fighting chance to heal and rebuild their lives.
In the spirit of humanity, let us come together to alleviate their suffering and create an enduring legacy of compassion and empathy. By extending your support to Mamta and Devender Sood, you will not only embody the values of Swami Vivekanand but also inspire countless others to follow in your footsteps.
We understand that you face numerous responsibilities and demands on your time, but we fervently hope that you will find it within your heart to take immediate action. The Sood family’s financial resources have been exhausted, and they now rely solely on your benevolence to lift the burden that threatens to consume them entirely.
Furthermore, your intervention in this matter will not only provide immense relief to the Sood family but also serve as a shining example of leadership and compassion in the face of adversity. The people of Himachal Pradesh hold you in high regard, and your assistance to this deserving family will undoubtedly strengthen their faith in the system and the notion that help is available for those who need it most.
We humbly request that you initiate a thorough review of the Sood family’s medical expenses and provide them with the maximum discount feasible. Your intervention could significantly alleviate their financial distress and enable them to continue the essential treatment that Devender urgently requires. Moreover, we implore you to explore additional avenues of financial support, such as connecting them with charitable organizations or establishing a dedicated fund to aid families in similar circumstances.
It is often during the darkest moments that we witness the true strength of our collective humanity.
As a society, we must rally together to support our fellow citizens when they face unimaginable challenges.

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