The Agriculture University campus at Palampur will remain closed w.e.f. 11.01.2022 to 13.01.2022.



In continuation of this office order No.QSD.8-8/2018/CSK HPKV (GA)/- 1375-1473 dated January, 2022 and even reference No.1498-1597 dated 10th January, 2022 and in the wake of in COVID-19 positive cases in the University campus at Palampur, following decisions have taken in a meeting of the Statutory Officers held under the chairmanship of Vice-Chancellor 0.01.2022 as a safety and precautionary measures:

..The University campus at Palampur will remain closed w.e.f. 11.01.2022 to 13.01.2022. However, the offices/units dealing with emergency or essential services i.e. Electrical, Water supply, Security, watch and ward, Agriculture & Horticulture operations, Research trials & Sanitation etc. will operate with 50% attendance of its total employees (teaching and non-teaching)/workforce/ human resource whereas Veterinary clinical, Medical, Livestock Farm activities will operate with 100% attendance.

2. All the employees during above period of closure shall mandatorily stay at their home/residential premises/places and shall not leave the station, be available on telephone or other means of communication and will attend office/work, if called on account of any exigency of work.

3. All those employees (teaching & non-teaching) and other workers who have come into primary contact of the University students and other employees/workers who have recently been tested COVID-19 positive on 08.01.2022 and 10.01.2022, shall get themselves tested immediately for COVID-19 in the University Health Centre or nearby hospital if testing is not conducted in the University Health Centre. If found COVID-19 positive, they shall bring COVID-19 negative report at the time of resuming duty.

4. The employees and other workers who shall be staying at home/residential premises/places and having symptoms like fever, cold, flu, sore throat, body ache, breathlessness etc. shall also get themselves tested for COVID-19. Further if such employees come into primary contact with COVID-19 positive person(s) either in their family or otherwise, they shall also get themselves tested for COVID-19. If found COVID 19 positive, they shall bring COVID-19 negative report at the time of resuming duty.

5. It is reiterated that the entry and exit to and from the University main campus will henceforth be through GATE NO.3 only and other gates will remain closed till further orders.

The instructions issued vide this office order dated 09.01.2022 and 10.01.2022 and any other order on the subject be deemed to have been amended to the above extent.

All the Statutory Officers, Heads of the Departments/Units/Offices, Associate Directors/ Scientist Incharges/Programme Coordinators are requested to bring it to the notice of all employees working under their control and ensure that no deviation/departure from the same is made by any functionary/individual.

This issues with the approval of the Competent Authority.

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