The Economic Time Bomb against India is switched on?

Economic time bomb


The Economic Time Bomb against India is switched on?


Punjab में सरकार बनते ही पहली कलम से 300 यूनिट बिजली फ्री हो जाएगी
Gujarat में सरकार बनते ही पहली कलम से 300 यूनिट बिजली फ्री हो जाएगी…

The day we form a govt, with the first stroke of the pen we will make 300 unit of electricity free.

Growth of India is the pain to many in this world, especially the west and China.
It challenges the supremacy of them.

So the strategy is to use its power hungry agents in India.

Let’s do a simple calculation on the costing :-

Let’s assume…

punjab has 2 Cr households &
per unit electricity at national grid level is Rs 5/-

300 unit free means free electricity of Rs. 1500/- per household per month.

2 Cr House means total per month bill of Rs. 3000 Cr.

Now if this is for one or two states at the national level then this shock may be absorbed by the state…

but what happen when the virus is spread in 10 states?

The combined bill goes Rs. 30,000 Cr per month.
This doesn’t include free electricity to the farmers etc…

Can the National Grid absorb this growing Bill?


Then what happens ????

The National grid will not be able to pay its bill to power generators which in return will not be able to pay bills to maintain Hydro, Coal or nuclear power stations…

Ultimately the cascading effect kicks in, The plant shuts, the grid fails and finally no power to state electricity boards…

No power means no power to business,
The entire India growth story collapse and people who are now uyse to free electricity revolts against the govt,
& if the govt pays the bills for grid from its own collections, then all infra project and social schemes comes to an halt …

the nation collapses…

Now Who benefits ?

So understand this free electricity game is not a political freebies but its n open economic jihad against India via their agents in India…

Govt will come and go,
Modi will not be here forever
but the nation will collapse
from a point of no return…

Hence, rejecting free electricity, free water etc. is in our own interest so that our kids can breath in future and those wise man who thinks it will not affect them,
Plz look at Sri Lanka.
You may be poor or a business tycoon or living in posh area, now you do have money but you can’t buy anything…

What should we do ?

Reject Politicians who promise anything free including Electricity and/or water.
Ask them to publish a balance sheet and a roadmap of how they will fund the freebies…

Pure socialism is good in theory but practically kills a nation. Still don’t believe, look at Venezuela…

Remember, there are “NO FREE LUNCH” in this world … 🙄

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