UK and France Oppose Extension of Restrictions on Ukrainian Grain Exports in Eastern Europe”



On Tuesday, two heavyweight members of the European Union, Germany and France, voiced their opposition to an attempt to prolong restrictions on the sales of Ukrainian grain exports in five eastern European countries, much to the anger of Kyiv.

Following Russia’s full-scale invasion, the 27-nation bloc had removed duties on Ukrainian exports to assist Kyiv in earning crucial revenues.

However, certain EU countries near the major agricultural hub began blocking imports after their farmers protested the surplus of Ukrainian grain that was causing prices to drop.

In April, Brussels reached a compromise, allowing Bulgaria, Hungary, Poland, Romania, and Slovakia to forbid sales on their local markets while still permitting the transit of Ukrainian grain through their territories. The restrictions are due to expire in mid-September, but the five countries are requesting an extension until the end of the year.

Ukraine’s President, Volodymyr Zelenskyy, firmly denounced any extension, labeling it “absolutely unacceptable and frankly anti-European.” The focus has shifted to securing routes for Ukraine’s grain exports to global markets after Russia withdrew from a deal to use the Black Sea route.

During a meeting of the EU’s agricultural ministers in Brussels, Germany and France echoed Kyiv’s opposition. German agriculture minister Cem Ozdemir insisted that any extension should be explicitly ruled out by the European Commission, the EU’s executive arm. He stressed that Poland’s internal political issues should not negatively impact Ukraine.

French minister Marc Fesneau emphasized the need for a collective response to address market destabilization, rejecting unilateral measures or individual ventures.

The European Commission stated that it is actively engaged in finding a solution and is working closely with the five EU member states and Ukraine. The commission’s spokeswoman, Miriam Garcia Ferrer, clarified that the measures were targeted and temporary, aiming to address logistical bottlenecks and facilitate trade in the bordering countries

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