Viveka Foundations organised an online lecture by Veteran officer BRIGADIER VAM Hussain

He also put forward the example set by war heroes - Captain Vikram Batra, Brigadier Mohammad Usman and Major General Ian Cardozo.


Viveka Foundations organised an online lecture by Veteran officer BRIGADIER VAM Hussain

To translate the vision into reality through one’s leadership, Viveka Foundations organised an online lecture by Veteran officer BRIGADIER VAM Hussain on 22nd February 2021 who gave insight to all on the topic “Officer Like Qualities” on the online portal of ‘Camouflage – NDA and SSB Training’.
The session started with  the welcome speech and introduction of the key speaker by School Principal followed by the key session on ‘Officer Like qualities’. BRIGADIER VAM Hussain introduced the three dynamic factors inone’s personality – determination, stamina and courage. With the help of a Shloka quoted from ‘Bhagwad Gita’, he emphasized on the importance of determination in one’s life.
He also put forward the example set by war heroes – Captain Vikram Batra, Brigadier Mohammad Usman and Major General Ian Cardozo. The session stimulates ji students to be more responsible. Learning to take responsibility for their action and their teamaction was effectively explained with real life experience of Prof. Satish Dhawan,
Chairman of ISRO during SLV mission.
The second part of the session was ‘Questions by students’. BRIGADIER VAM Hussain deliberately answered the questions raised by students and contented their queries. Such sessions help students to be guided by a positive mind and self –driven motivation.Viveka Foundations effort to motivate and implant ‘Officers like Qualities’ in students proved to be an accomplishment with the presence of 145 students and parents. The school will be continuing with its efforts in this endeavour for the sake of young generation.

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