Wondrous Vivekian – Anmol Chandla!

“All our dreams can come true If we have the courage to pursue them .”

Wondrous Vivekian – Anmol Chandla!
“All our dreams can come true If we have the courage to pursue them .”
Such a courageous dream became reality and has quenched every Vivekian. The dream which was nourished and fostered by Anmol, his family and Ms Kusum Rana, Director and Founder Principal of Viveka Foundations. The alumnus of Viveka Foundations Cadet Anmol Chandla has passed out with overwhelming victory from INDIAN NAVAL ACADEMY Passing out Parade Autumn Term 2021. He had been the student of Viveka Foundations and a resident in the Boarding House of Viveka Foundations.

With help and support of the family and the grooming done by his Principal, Anmol cleared the entrance for RIMC and joined it on January 2013 and made the RIMC proud of him. In 2017, he secured 8th rank at the National level in NDA Entrance Examination and had selected for National Defence Academy, Pune. He also brought laurels to NDA academy and received the Certificate of Excellence in Drill and has been a Merit Certificate holder in Physical Training. Adding to the achievements he had become Commandant Flag Corporal and Battalion Cadet Captain. He achieved the best rider title in the collage. He had also received Gold medal in boxing, triple jump and long jump.
21 year Anmol Chandla is an inspiration not only for aspirants of NDA but for all young minds who believe in achieving their goals.

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